PRP Microneedling Stem Cell Benefits


PRP Microneedling Stem Cell Benefits

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an extract of your own blood that contains three to five times more platelets, growth factors and active proteins for tissue and injury healing. When PRP is placed back into the skin by injection or microneedling, it initiates a localized stem cell response. Over the weeks and months following treatment, this stem cell response recruits collagen-producing cells called fibroblasts.

The fibroblasts replace tissue that has been damaged or lost through the aging process with healthy skin that looks refreshed and rejuvenated. The healing properties of the blood components in PRP can be used as a cosmetic treatment for the following:
  • Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightening and toning skin
  • Brightening uneven skin tone
  • Mild collagen and volume loss
  • Crow's feet and dark under eye circles
  • Large pores/rough texture
  • Acne scarring
  • Rosacea
The process:
  1. We will apply a topical lidocaine to your face and neck while your blood is drawn. We only need 30 mL of blood so this is quick and painless. The vial is then placed into a centrifuge which separates your PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma, red in color) from the PPP (Platelet Poor Plasma, clear in color).
  2. Your red PRP will then be microneedled back into your skin. This is truly the only difference between these two treatments. Instead of using one of our other serums (the Vitamin C, Vitamin A or Growth Factor) we use your body's own PRP. The benefits of PRP cannot be recreated in any cosmetic, cosmeceutical or pharmaceutical product because it's our body's own cells creating new tissue and healthy skin. 
  3. Rinse the plasma "red mask" off anywhere from 20 minutes - 24 hours post treatment. 
  4. We will send you home with your clear PPP so that you may take advantage of its benefits as well - rub it on your face for hydration and healing, place on your brows/lashes to condition and stimulate growth, or even rub on your thighs to help tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
What to expect:
  • The entire process will take 75-90 minutes.
  • Immediately post treatment, your skin will feel very tight and a little tender like you have a sunburn or windburn. Once you rinse the "red mask" off, your skin will be pink for 24-48 hours. 
  • You might feel a little dry and flaky but this is completely normal and should only last 2-3 days. 
  • You'll see the benefits of one treatment last 10-12 weeks so it's meant to be done quarterly - once every 3 months.

What is Stem Cell Therapy/PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) am I a good candidate?

The Prp Stem Cell Facial is a non-surgical, cosmetic micro-needling device to improve the appearance of the skin. Microneedling allows for stimulation of collagen production by creating precise, micro channels in the skin in. Stem Cell Therapy/PRP involves the use of a patient’s own blood plasma, enriched through a special process to increase the concentration of platelets. These platelets contain bioactive proteins and growth factors that serve to accelerate tissue repair and regeneration, and activate your own anti-aging stem cells. This concentrated serum is then applied onto the patient’s skin and is penetrated with a SkinPen device, enhancing overall results and accelerating healing.

 PRP therapy is beneficial in reducing the various signs of textural irregularities associated with skin aging, improving the appearance of acne scars, as well as softening lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks on the body. One of the most exciting things about  PRP is that it can be used on all skin types and skin colors. The procedure typically takes about an hour and a half. A topical anesthetic is applied to the skin prior to the procedure to allow for a relatively pain-free experience.

What are the benefits of Microneedling and how does it work?

  • Microneedling + PRP is minimally invasive and a quick procedure, with a simple in-office blood draw to harvest your PRP followed by microneedling it into the skin.
  • Little recovery or downtime makes PRP ideal for a busy lifestyle.
  • Results are generated from your own skin’s natural collagen remodeling and elastin.
  • Ideal for assisting in reducing the signs of aging and improving the appearance of acne scarring, along with reducing the appearance of stretch marks.
  • This procedure can be performed on most parts of the body including face, neck, décolletage and stretch marks on the stomach, thighs and buttocks.
  • Any remaining PRP after the procedure will be applied to the skin in order to optimize results and accelerate healing.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of procedures required will be determined by our staff based upon your individual procedure goals and the health of your skin. Most patients receive a series of 4-6 procedures spaced about 4 weeks apart. Your provider will develop a procedure plan specific to you and also a maintenance plan to help retain the rejuvenating effects.

What type of results will I see?

Patients may notice healthier looking skin immediately. However, the natural repair process of your own skin continues to progress over the course of several weeks as new collagen is formed. Damage that has occurred over an extensive period of time won’t disappear immediately. You may not see the final result for up to 3 months following your final session. Results can include improved texture and firmness, as well as a reduction in scars, pore size, and stretch marks.*Individual results may vary.

Is there any downtime associated with this procedure?

The total healing time depends on each individual patient. Most patients have some slight swelling and redness/pinkness (like a mild sunburn) for 2-4 days. Some patients may heal completely in 24 hours. Depending on the depth used, some pinpoint bleeding may occur during the procedure, which stops almost immediately once the treatment is complete.

Wellness Suites Weston
1348 SW 160th Ave 33326
