Himalayan Salt Room For Asthma

                          Himalayan Salt Room For Asthma

The Himalayan salt inhaler benefits those suffering from asthma, allergies, hay fever, sinus, bronchitis, COPD, breathing difficulties and other chronic respiratory ailments. Again, the compact design of the Himalayan
Salt Pipe benefits persons with these two conditions because it is small enough to take anywhere.

The use of salt inhalation therapy dates back to the ancient Greeks, but the most interesting observation of its benefits comes from Poland. In the 18th century, Polish salt miners were documented as having noticeably better immune systems, lung health, and sinus clarity compared to their families. If the salt miners did happen to come down with a respiratory condition, the symptoms were mild and recovery time was fast. All of this was attributed to inhaling salt on a daily basis.
Ancient Ayurvedic cultures have used and relied on salt therapy for thousands of years to irrigate the nose and throat to help prevent and treat illness and allergies. If you have ever used a Neti Pot, then you know just how cleansing and histamine balancing salt can be.

Today, anyone who has spent a day at the beach can attest to feeling the special healing properties of salt. Your breathing is clear and your hair, skin, and nails feel great. If you can’t make it to the ocean, there are special salt lined rooms popping up all around the world. These rooms mimic European salt caves to help treat people with various breathing conditions due to living in densely populated and polluted areas. The salt acts as a detoxifier by pulling out toxins and cleansing the airways.

There are many ways to benefit from the healing powers of salt both externally and internally. I’m sure you have used at least one of the methods I list below.
Halotherapy, derived from the Greek word halos, meaning “salt”, and is a therapy in which salt is used in various ways to heal and support the body.

Some of the most common forms of salt healing therapy include:
• Neti Pots for nasal irrigation (I love this one)
• Dry salt inhalers (This one is my favorite)
• Saline and brine baths- many do this by using Epsom Salts for sore muscles
• Crenotherapy- the consumption of therapeutic salt water such as salt sole
• Colonics (buy your own home enema kit here)
• Gargling
• Salt Lamps
• Salt caves
• Salt rooms

Allergy-related disorders have rapidly increased over the last decades and the tendency is, unfortunately, rising. In America alone, every third person suffers from some form of allergy. The causes are believed to be related to immune disorders, genetic heritage, pollution, poor nutrition, increased absorption of chemicals and medication, electro-smog and ozone distress, damage from vaccination and increasing stress. Will Himalayan Pink Salt helpful for Allergies and Asthma?

It is also allopathically acknowledged that a prolonged stay within a salt chamber has positive effects on those suffering from asthma and hay fever. The cause is not just the air quality in the salt chamber, which is very pure, but primarily the frequency pattern of the salt, which replenishes our energy reserves. Since we cannot build our homes in salt mines, we must look for alternative methods for coming into contact with this specific frequency pattern.

Asthma is a respiratory disease which causes attacks of suffocation. With bronchial asthma the bronchi have a tendency to spasmodically tighten. This can be an occasional attack or, in severe cases, permanent. The problem most often occurs when exhaling. Gasping, dry whistling and rattling sounds accompany the breathing. At the onset of this disease, allergic mechanisms play a central role. As the asthma persists, the more severe is the bronchial system’s reaction.

In time, the asthma attack can even occur without any allergenic influence. In some cases, prior viral or bacterial infections of the bronchi laid the ground for the asthma. Chronic lack of water and severe psychological problems can also cause asthma. If you are currently taking medication, please do not discontinue without consulting your physician. This could result in a severe asthma attack. Only after the salt has proven its effects through holistic therapy treatment, the medication can slowly be reduced under supervision of a physician.

Himalayan Pink Salt applications for Allergic Asthma
  • Drink one teaspoon of sole (1% of Himalayan Pink Salt and 99% of water) in a glass of living spring water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Drink two to three quarts of low mineral and non-carbonated water per day.
  • Inhalation with a salt solution is a time-tested household remedy for asthma. Start out with a 1% sole solution. This can be increased up to 3%. Follow this procedure once to twice a day for 15 minutes.
  • Sole is also suitable for use in inhalation devices. The temperature of the solution should be between 93.2F and 98.6F.
  • The crystal salt ionizer has been especially helpful for people with asthma because it binds dust particles and pollen, creating a seashore-like environment in the room. Furthermore, with the crystal salt ionizer we’re not only getting pure air, but also a neutral frequency pattern in our room. Place the device in a location where you spend most of your time.
  • The ionizer does not have to be turned on permanently; it’s sufficient to run the device for two to three hours at a time.
  • You can inhale the mist from the ionizer.
  • Bathe in a 1% sole solution (Himalayan Home Spa Treatment) once a week to relax and reduce the stress in your body.
  • Treat yourself to a floatation tank therapy. The high salt concentration in the tank creates a frequency pattern that boosts the body’s energy and considerably supports the healing process.

Wellness Suites Weston
1348 SW 160th Ave 33326
