Benefits Of Hydration Facial

                                 Benefits Of Hydration Facial 

Is your skin looking a little washed out and feeling like sandpaper? Wish you could have baby smooth skin? Well, we have a solution for you! A facial. And not just any facial, a hydrating facial.
Packed with water-rich properties, a hydrating facial does an excellent job at restoring water content to your skin especially in cold climates like today. Winter air contains low humidity, meaning its carries little to no moisture. This can easily dry out the skin, causing your skin to become less radiant, less smooth and easily irritated.

During cold climates, we are prone to turning up the heat to stay warm indoors; this also plays a role to our skin. Consistent heated air from your heating system picks up dust, pollen and other allergens that can irritate your skin, making it dry and itchy.
Outdoors in the winter can be just as treacherous as indoors in the winter. This is why maintaining the moisture in your skin by devising a winter skin care regimen during the winter is crucial.
What better way to do that than a hydrating facial every now and then! In this blog post, we’ll outline the 8 benefits of a hydrating facial.

What is a Hydrating Facial?

A hydrating facial is loaded with benefits needed to make you skin look dewy, glowing and healthy. As the name suggests, a hydrating facial hydrates your skin. It brings water content back into your skin and locks that moisture in. Those experiencing dehydration, dryness and irritation will benefit most from a hydrating facial.

But it is suitable for anyone looking to get that radiant and supple look. If your skin looks flaky and feels rough to the touch, your skin is dehydrated. If your skin looks dull and more oily than usual, your skin is dehydrated.
Products used in a hydrating facial are directed toward treating this dehydration. The formula of these products are water based and consists of moisture rich ingredients that help retain the skin’s moisture balance and prevent any moisture from seeping out.

How does a Hydrating Facial Work?

A hydrating facial, as with any other facial, follows a sequence of steps that is done in a beauty spa or as your own skin care regimen at home. There are approximately 7 steps and are normally done in this order but may vary:
  1. Cleanse
  2. Tone
  3. Exfoliate
  4. Serum
  5. Massage
  6. Mask and
  7. Protect.
As a general overview, the facial begins with a cleanse of the skin to remove any dirt and impurities from the surface of the skin.
A toner is then gently swiped over the skin to remove any excess dirt and to prep the skin for better absorption of product. The skin is exfoliated to remove dead skin cells, revealing a new and smooth layer of skin from underneath.

A hydrating serum is applied and massaged gently into the skin, penetrating the product deep into the skin. Next is to apply a layer of mask over the entire face and letting it set for 10 minutes so the skin can absorb all the nutrients and moisture.

Lastly, protect the skin with a hydrating moisturizer and eye cream to lock in all the hard work. Now that you have done your hydrating facial, what benefits can you expect? Read on to find out!

Skin is hydrated and supple

Hurray! Your skin is hydrated and also bouncy to the touch! The properties in the products used in a hydrating facial bind moisture and locks it in the inner layer of the skin, preventing moisture loss throughout the day and night. This allows the skin to recover from the dryness and flakiness.

Skin appears brighter

The hydrating serum is what makes your skin appear brighter and more radiant. Serum is a treatment cream or oil high in nutrients and vitamins to make the skin healthy. It’s advanced formula regulates moisture levels in the skin, maintaining a healthy balance of water content and improving water circulation within the skin.

Even skin tone and texture

Now that you skin is hydrated, it no longer feels like sandpaper! An exfoliant, especially one with hydrating benefits, removes dead skin cells from the skin without stripping out the oil and moisture. Any bumps, dry patches and uneven skin tone are smoothed away!

Skin is smooth and soft
A hydrated skin is smooth and soft to the touch. A hydrating moisturizer helps to prevent water loss in the skin, giving you that baby bottom skin. It is always important to moisture your skin frequently even on days that you do not do a hydrating facial. This helps prolong the results of the facial.

Less excess oil
The steps of a hydrating facial from cleansing to protecting help reduce excess oil and shininess in general. Oil in your skin is what keeps your skin hydrated but too much oil can cause acne breakouts. Products used in a hydrating facial helps to control excess oil while still providing the optimal level of oil to make your skin look dewy and healthy.

Less acne breakouts

As mentioned above, a hydrating facial regulates oil content in the skin, preventing the production of excess oil. This means the likelihood of acne breakouts is reduced.

No itchiness and irritation

Dryness causes itchiness and irritation. The skin can also become sensitive and redness appears. This is due to the flaking of the surface of the skin. When the skin is hydrated, the cell structure of the skin is regenerated, creating a new layer of skin from underneath which is full of water, nutrients and vitamins. This new layer of skin replaces the damaged layer of skin, consistently replenishing the skin as new layers of skin form.

Better absorption of skin care products

A toner does an excellent job at allowing better absorption of subsequent products in a hydrating facial, as well as any other facial. Toner allows the product to soak into the depths and pores of the skin so the nutrients and vitamins can take its effect to provide hydration and protection. In the end, a healthy, hydrated skin can easily absorb any skin care product and maximize its benefits.

The Take-Away

The benefits of a hydrating facial are not limited to only the ones mentioned above. Skin is different from person to person and what works for you might not work for someone else. It is also important to note a facial does not give you healthy and hydrated skin in a day. A series of treatment of 4-5 weeks is the best way to go!

Take advantage of the benefits of a hydrating facial and get one now! Perhaps you would like to start with our very own hydrating facial?

Wellness Suites Weston
1348 SW 160th Ave 33326
