Benefits Of Acne Rosacea treatment

Benefits Of Acne Rosacea treatment

If you have rosacea, laser or light therapy may be a part of your treatment plan. 

Different treatments for different signs of rosacea

When dermatologists create a treatment plan for rosacea, the plan often consists of  medication, a rosacea friendly skin care plan, and tips to help you avoid flare-ups. Sometimes, a treatment plan also includes a procedure, such as laser therapy.
Your treatment plan is most likely to include a laser or light therapy if rosacea has caused:
  • Visible blood vessels
  • Thickening skin
A laser or light treatment can reduce (or get rid of) the blood vessels. To remove thickening skin, dermatologists may use laser resurfacing.
Laser treatment can also reduce redness. In a few small studies, lasers were used to treat permanent redness on the face or the redness surrounding acne-like blemishes. Some patients saw a considerable reduction in redness. Most patients, however, had about a 20% reduction in redness.

Because different lasers and exposure times were used in these studies, more research is needed to know how well lasers can treat the redness.
If you have permanent redness on your face, your dermatologist may prescribe a medication. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this medication can reduce (or clear) the redness for up to 12 hours. After 12 hours, the redness tends to return.

What results are typical with laser or light therapy?

When used to treat visible blood vessels, most patients see a 50% to 75% reduction in visible blood vessels after 1 to 3 treatments. Some people see a 100% reduction.

Treatments are usually spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart.
If you have thickening skin, a skilled cosmetic dermatologist can give you very good results with in-office surgery and laser resurfacing. Patients who treat their thickening skin early tend to see the best results.

How long do results from lasers and lights last?

When used to treat blood vessels, the results tend to last 3 to 5 years. Treated blood vessels don’t reappear, but new ones can form.
Thickening skin tends to return after treatment. To prevent this and help you maintain results, your dermatologist can prescribe medication. You may also need follow-up laser therapy in the future.

What are the possible side effects from lasers and light treatments?

If you are considering a laser or light treatment, it’s important to know that your results depend largely on the person performing your treatment.
When you see a dermatologist, you’ll be in the care of a doctor who has the most experience treating the skin and skin diseases. Dermatologists:
  • Know the skin and treats rosacea often
  • Consider your medical history before creating a treatment plan
  • Can tell you whether laser therapy or light device can effectively treat your rosacea
If a laser or light treatment is right for you, you may have some temporary side effects after a dermatologist treats you. After treatment, it’s common to see some redness. This usually fades within 2 weeks.
You may also see a rash of purple or red spots. These, too, tend to clear in 1 to 2 weeks.

During treatment, some patients experience skin tightening, itch, or pain.
Scarring is rare in skilled hands.
To help you get the best results, you should receive instructions that explain how to care for your treated skin. Follow these instructions carefully.

While the instructions about sun protection may seem unnecessary, sun protection is really important. Staying out of the sun and protecting your skin from the sun’s rays help prevent permanent scars.

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1348 SW 160th Ave 33326
